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American Catholic Lawyers Association

Faith & Justice


Catholics who wish to understand the true nature of human liberty in society, must be familiar with the following encyclicals. 

Every Catholic conscience should be rooted in the timeless principles contained in these encyclicals, so that deception and error, wherever they be found or taught, are not capable of turning one aside from the path of truth.

These encyclicals remind the Catholic faithful that there can be no true liberty without conformity to the eternal and natural law.

They also remind us that it is the height of absurdity to say that Christ is the King of individual men, but not of their society.

As these encyclicals make clear, God's plan for all men and all nations is a condition of true human liberty in a society which corporately recognizes Christ as King.

For, as He Himself taught:
"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free..."

  1. Syllabus of Errors - Pope Pius IX,  March 18, 1861
  2. Quanta Cura - Pope Pius IX, December 8, 1861     
    Did you know that the Catholic Church has condemned the very principles on which modern pluralistic societies are founded?
  3. Diuturnum - Pope Leo XIII, June 29, 1881
    Where does political authority come from? This encyclical shows that if political authority came from the people, there actually would be no authority at all, and that the only real basis for political authority is God.  
    Without God as the basis for political authority, we end with the tyranny of the majority, unbound by any moral law, and the loss of true liberty. That is why we must fight against abortion and other social evils by appealing to the law of God, not the will of the majority.
  4. Immortale Dei - Pope Leo XIII,  November 1, 1885     
    Why simple logic demands that every state be Catholic
  5. Libertas - Pope Leo XIII,  June 20, 1888     
    Why the modern notion of liberty is social suicide, and is actually a form of slavery.
  6. Vehementer Nos - Pope Pius X,  February 11, 1906     
    On the divinely ordained role of the state in helping souls get to heaven.
  7. Notre Charge Apostolique - Pope Pius X,  August 15, 1910     
    Why a "brotherhood" of different religions in a pluralistic society will never work.
  8. Ubi Arcano Dei - Pope Pius XI,  December 23, 1922     
    Why no human organization, such as the United Nations, can ever bring peace to the world.
  9. Quas Primas - Pope Pius XI, December 11, 1925     
    Why a state that rejects the authority of the Catholic Church can only end in self-destruction.
  10. Garcia Moreno biography
    Read about the martyr president who gave his life to bring the Faith and prosperity to Ecuador.

    This great statesman, who restored the Catholic Faith and material prosperity to Ecuador, predicted his own death at the hands of so-called “liberals” who despised the Church and true Liberty under the Reign of Christ the King. His declared purpose was to make the Ten Commandments the law of the land.

    Garcia Moreno once wrote to the Holy Father: "What riches for me, Most Holy Father, to be hated and calumniated for my love for our Divine Redeemer! What happiness if your benediction should obtain for me from Heaven the grace of shedding my blood for Him, who being God, was willing to shed His blood for us upon the Cross!" 

    He is also known to have said: "The enemies of God and the Church can kill me, but God does not die" (Dios no muere).

    ​These lovers of “liberty” butchered Garcia Moreno and shot him with pistols as he was leaving church where he had just spent some time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.Type your paragraph here.